We provide machines for handling your products, whether they are naked or packaged. These machines include accumulators, groupers, stockers, robots, conveyors, and stackers. We also offer automatic loading solutions for packaging machines, feeding a cutting station, ...

With 60 years of experience in handling food, our robotics and automation specialists offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Our expertise in combining skills is a real asset that we have been cultivating for many years. The group brings together the talents of several companies, each contributing its specific skills. Thanks to the combination of in-house production of standard or custom equipment and distribution, we can meet the needs of all companies, from the largest food industry players to the smallest SMEs.

Trust our expertise to improve your productivity and efficiency.

Our equipments






In the world of industry, robotics is becoming increasingly present and plays an important role in product handling. Since 2018, BFR Systems has had a robotics division at its Mauves site.

The robotics team is composed of highly skilled and passionate professionals in new technologies and industrial robotics. They work closely with other departments of the company to integrate robots into the manufacturing of our packaging lines.

The robotics division also collaborates with our customers to understand their needs and develop customized robotic solutions that meet their requirements. The overall objective is to quickly validate production rates, virtually simulate operating strategies, test product grasping, validate tooling, provide training, and test vision systems to validate the technology to be used



Our research and development department is the heart of innovation at BFR Systems.


Our research and development department is entirely dedicated to solving complex problems for our clients. We are proud to offer mutually beneficial partnerships that include confidentiality and exclusivity agreements, funding for prototypes, as well as specific developments for products. We are able to quickly design and produce custom prototypes for your projects. We master all stages of the process, from design to manufacturing, which allows us to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients.

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